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year three.

It is said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” but how apparent is this justification when advertised standards continue to be conquered with the saturation of European features in the industry? 

Will society continue to ignore ideals that celebrate the beauty women of colour exude?


Extensive research was made into the representation & perception of ethnic minorities in the fashion industry that was forged from key drivers. The project investigates how society has witnessed a ripple of modern movements in response to discrimination: 

- The natural hair movement 

- Black girl magic 


These have outlined how minorities have projected positivity from, creating specific requirements that only their audience can fulfil. 


final major project.

Blackdrop was created from extensive research, first inspired from Dissertation findings which later commenced the initial business concept from Competiton module.


This app is as an uplifting innovative digital mobile platform that locates and promotes Black-owned businesses of all sectors in England. With a personalised purpose, Blackdrop aims to empower the Black community to restore this generations subsiding sterotype with entreprenuerial investment and adapted profitted mentoring schemes for the youth.


“Aims to locate, unite & advance the Black British community through positive attributes”

Blackdrop mission statement 

self promotion & the future.

This module focused on creating an exit package of collated material that focuses & prepares for my future career path.


Here is a snippet of my Pecha Kucha presentation which is a 20 slide presentation each lasting for 20 seconds that provides an in-depth explanation when communicated of the past, present & future involvements surrounding FB&P, this also remains within the chosen house style of my media packages.

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